qrCreate generate wrong QRcode according to content

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qrCreate generate wrong QRcode according to content

Post by trevix » Thu Jun 08, 2023 4:20 pm

I spent several hours trying to debug the reason wifi the QRcode command was suddenly generating an unreadable QRcode, when I modified some text on it.

My working QRcode string, is the following:

Code: Select all

The mobile photo app reads it fine and ask sto connect to the wifi, as it should. Also My app work fine with this. The reason for the two lines is that the first allows to connect to the WiFI and the second passes to LC some information. As I said, it works fine.

If I change the the text of the second line ("Cudy" > "Cudy3BFC"):

Code: Select all

Nothing happens when trying to read the QRcode, with the photo app or with the LC code.
Can someone explain me this?
Should I encode the second text line? Base64Encode? else?
Thanks for any help (and if you know, an explanation)

OSX 14.3.1 xCode 15 LC 10 DP7 iOS 15> Android 7>

Thomas Heine
Posts: 5
Joined: Fri May 21, 2021 3:15 pm

Re: qrCreate generate wrong QRcode according to content

Post by Thomas Heine » Sun Sep 17, 2023 10:49 pm

i have tried to reconstruct this. I managed to create and read the qr-code without error. The strange thing is: At first the read with the app created an shortened text, then i deleted the first colon after wifi, and it worked fine. Dont know why. Maybe you can also so try to delete the first colon and see, if it works. But would be strange

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