Lesson 1 - How is 'title' a group

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Lesson 1 - How is 'title' a group

Post by willcom » Mon Oct 28, 2013 9:20 pm

Hi there,

I'm new to to the LC and the forum. I'm taking the idea2app course and have a couple of newbie questions please if you don't mind:

1. In Lesson 1 when we say "set the uText of group “title” to the uTabText of me", why is “title” referred to as a group? title is the name given to the navbar - why is it a group? I know the navbar is part of a group, but how is it a group in itself.

2. Is there a way to make the LC IDE fit my screen better? When I'm working in the iPad portrait mode, the bottom of the card is not visible. Hiding the taskbar does not help. By the way, I'm using a 13.3 inch Macbook, which I'm also new to.

Now just one general question, the topics in this forum so far (including the first Q&A webinar) do not seem to relate to the Idea2App lessons that I'm taking (SummerSchoolApp). Am I in the right forum?

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Re: Lesson 1 - How is 'title' a group

Post by willcom » Mon Oct 28, 2013 9:32 pm

I found another forum post in line with my second question http://forums.runrev.com/viewtopic.php? ... e+of+image. Have there been any improvements since?

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Re: Lesson 1 - How is 'title' a group

Post by LCNeil » Tue Oct 29, 2013 7:47 pm

Hi Willcom,

In regards to question 1, setting the title of a navBar refers to a group as this is the control mobGui creates when implemeting a navbar.

A mobGui navbar is basically group that consists of a a title field and a background graphic. MobGui then uses the custom property “uText” to set the name of this group.

In regards to question 2, I believe the 13 inch Mac Book pro has a native resolution of 1280 x 800 so ,as you have mentioned, you may experience difficulty developing for a stack that is 1024 x 768 in size.

Unfortunately, at this time, there is not automatic scaling in LiveCode to make it easier to work with low resolution displays. We are however working on resolution independence that will allow your stacks to automatically scale. This means you will be able to work with a stack that is smaller in size (e.g. 512 x 384) and this will automatically scale deepening on the device deployed too.

Until resolution independence is available you will programatically resize your stack as described in the following stack overflow post-

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1758 ... ne-android

Yes you are definitely in the right section for idea 2 app :). Although the Q and A sessions are designed to ask questions regarding the video sessions that you are watching some, users have also being asking general coding questions as well.

I hope the above answers your questions and I look forward to seeing you in future webinars.

Kind Regards,

Neil Roger
RunRev Support Team ~ http://www.runrev.com
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Re: Lesson 1 - How is 'title' a group

Post by willcom » Tue Oct 29, 2013 9:45 pm

Many thanks Neil.

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