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Check connection error with tsNet in Sonoma/LC10dp7

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2024 10:02 pm
by trevix
In Monterey and LC 10 Dp6 I used to check if my standalone has an internet connection, using the following script:

Code: Select all

--check internet connection
--FIND  pubblic IP ot return false
function CheckConnection pAlwaysCheck
     local tAnswer,tArray,tHeaders, tRecvHeaders, tResult, tBytes
     if not pAlwaysCheck then
          if sMyIP is empty then
               return false
               return true
          end if
     end if
     put empty into sMyIP
     libUrlSetSSLVerification true --needed because to communicate with FMS it has to be false
     put tsNetGetTimeouts() into tOldTimeouts --save old timeout
     tsNetSetTimeouts 5, 7000, 7000, 7000, 30, 1000 --max 7 seconds wait, if no connection
     --tsNetSetTimeouts 5,7000, 7000, 7000, 0, 0 --max 7 seconds wait, if no connection
     put "" into tGetString
     put true into pSettings["no_reuse"] --this clear the cache??
     put tsNetGetSync(tGetString, tHeaders, tRecvHeaders, tResult, tBytes, pSettings) into tArray
     tsNetSetTimeouts item 1 of tOldTimeouts, item 2 of tOldTimeouts, item 3 of tOldTimeouts, item 4 of tOldTimeouts, item 5 of tOldTimeouts, item 6 of tOldTimeouts
     libUrlSetSSLVerification false --needed because to communicate with FMS it has to be false
     if tArray is not empty then
          put JSONToArray(tArray) into tArray --mergJson extension must be enabled on mobile
          put tArray["IP"] into sMyIP --local
          put 0 into gPrefTF["NoConn"] --reset false connection to internet
          --MyLog "","CheckConnection OK" && sMyIP
          return true
          MyLog "","CheckConnection error" && tResult 
          return false
     end if
end CheckConnection
I recently updated my Mac to Sonoma, LC 10 DP7 and Xcode 15.
Now, my script on Android returns the following errore:
tsneterr: (77) error setting certificate verify locations: CAfile: /data/user/0/ CApath: none
I am not sure if this depends on Sonoma, LC 10 DP7 or "another" google policy update.
Any clue?