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Meeting: July 6, Pasadena

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 9:10 pm
by FourthWorld
Du-par's, back room
214 S. Lake Avenue
Pasadena CA 91101

Thursday, July 6, 7:00PM

The meetings are open to any and all who have an interest in chatting about LiveCode.

We can have a brief intro to LiveCode if we get enough newcomers RSVP'd through Meetup. We should also have plenty of time for general Q&A and problem-solving. Any of our regulars bringing a project to share?

Please RSVP
We're now on, as part of the SGV Tech group:
Our meeting room has limited seating, so please RSVP there to reserve a seat.

Re: Meeting: July 6, Pasadena

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 2:12 am
by bvlahos
I'm looking forward to seeing everyone there.

Re: Meeting: July 6, Pasadena

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 7:32 pm
by FourthWorld
Great meeting last night! Thank you to Matt, Hutch, Chipp, and Daniel for bringing such interesting projects to discuss, and big thanks to Bill for providing the intro for our newcomer.

@Daniel: As promised, I put together a quick note on how to set up a runtime deployment on RPi for easy updates:

Re: Meeting: July 6, Pasadena

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 7:51 pm
by chipsm
Last night's meeting was very interesting.
I did not get a chance to present a little code snippet so I am putting it here for the user so try and please leave me some comments about this.
It is a simple sample of a way of presenting a option to have a button of anything else presented to a list item. It also positions itself when the list is resized or moved. Enjoy and send comments.