Mobile Native Essentials Widget Pack

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Mobile Native Essentials Widget Pack

Post by eperes » Wed Dec 23, 2020 9:20 pm


my control switch does not work. It appears well on the simulator, it changes its state when I select it but does not react to the hiliteChanged event.
I'm talking about the control that comes with the essential pack. Somebody has an idea.


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Re: Mobile Native Essentials Widget Pack

Post by Bernard » Thu Dec 24, 2020 2:55 am

I don't have the control to which you refer.

However, seeing as you are new here, can I ask: do you have a handler like this in the script of that widget:

on hiliteChanged
answer the long time
end hiliteChanged

In the IDE, does this show you a different time every time you change the state of the control? If it works in the IDE but not in the simulator, you are at least able to point to a bug in the widget as deployed. If it doesn't work in the IDE too, then that might suggest that hiliteChanged is not one of the messages to which this control responds.

I believe that how things work now: you install some new widget and the documentation for that widget now appears in the dictionary. So I can't look up the documentation for this widget to give you any more specific help.

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Re: Mobile Native Essentials Widget Pack

Post by eperes » Thu Dec 24, 2020 7:18 pm


Thank you for your suggestion. In fact the native widgets of the essential package don't work in the IDE, they are only placeholders.
They work however on the simulator or mobile device.
My problem is that the control switch that comes with the Mobile Essentials Pack, displays correctly, changes state but does not respond to any events. Neither on the simulator, nor on an iPad or iPhone. So it's probably a bug!?
Actually I'm not a new user of LiveCode but I never used the forum before.

Thanks again and happy Christmas

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Re: Mobile Native Essentials Widget Pack

Post by jacque » Fri Dec 25, 2020 5:40 pm

If you open the dictionary and choose "switch buttton" in the left side Type list, you should get an overview list of all the commands and messages the widget knows about. For the switch widget, a change in its state sends a hiliteChanged message, so that's the message you'd need to trap.
Jacqueline Landman Gay | jacque at hyperactivesw dot com
HyperActive Software |

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