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Axes disappear - RESOLVED

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 8:24 pm
by dglass
It is entirely possible I'm doing stuff with CE that should not be done, but here we go....

I've linked (too big to attach) a QuickTime Movie of the behavior I'm seeing, because I think it's probably too convoluted to explain clearly in a written post. ...

Basically, after changing the min and max two times, the axes disappear.

Re: Axes disappear

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 10:43 pm
by dglass
As proof that the stuff you might think is not relevant probably is, I did some work to fix the X-axis grid label calculations, and the chart now scrolls properly*.

* - for the most part. Still have some graphic anomalies off the left edge after scrolling a bunch, but I'll see if I can work those out on my own.

Re: Axes disappear - RESOLVED

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 3:25 pm
by BvG
The problem is most likely that you specify something 'illegal'. For example a smaller maxX then minX, or having non-numeric entries in the data. Generally there's not a ton of error checking for false data entry, instead the graph does not draw correctly, as you saw in your example.

If that is not the case, I'd love to see an example stack, showcasing the problem. If your stacks are too sensitive to send them to me, you could try to delete everything but the graph and the code that manipulates it. Sometimes just the "charts" customPropertySet contents could be enough to find the problem, but getting that data into a readable format is not as straight forward as mailing a stack.