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Are Scrolling Charts possible?

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 8:04 pm
by tcbcats
I need to display a real time scrolling chart similar to a EKG display.
Can ChartsEngine do this?
Are there any GUI examples that I could see where someone has actually done this in an application?
I did the demo but used up all the run times just trying to learn how to set up the product.
The support docs are not really structured for a Newbe.
I would like to purchase the product but I am not sure It can be setup to do work in a scrolling mode.


Re: Are Scrolling Charts possible?

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 12:56 am
by bn
Hi tcbcats,

I don't know what your data source is or what your sampling frequency is.

Here is a small, rough, proof of principle, stack that uses mock data and displays it in a electrocardiogram/monitor fashion, i.e. newest data on the right and moving to the left.

But dont show it to your doctor, he will not like what he sees....
(2.02 KiB) Downloaded 627 times
Kind regards


Re: Are Scrolling Charts possible?

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 1:55 pm
by BvG
For animation, you need to set the properties and then send "chartsRefresh" all in a repeating fashion (ideally using send in time). For best results, make sure that you set the "gridXNumberFormat" (and possibly the "gridYNumberFormat") to include leading zeros, for example if the largest number of your data is 8000.009, then you need to set the number format to "####.###". This is because the chart is drawn into a fixed rectangle (group size), and if the grid description vary much, the actual chart will jump around. Another approach is to disable the x and ygrid numbers (showGridXDescription), but for line graphs that's not really an option.