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AnimationEngine Ver Update Needed With New LC?

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 4:42 am
by jpatten
Hi All..

I have a little stack that I attempted to create an iOS app from that uses AE. This was done using the latest LC, version 6.1.2. It would not create the iOS app. It erred with "linking for Arm7 failed with xrun:..." I saw a reference in the message boards about externals needing to be updated when LiveCode throws that error. I launched the stack in an earlier version of LC and it compiled fine.

Wondering if my hunch is correct? Does AE have to be updated with newest version of LC? (I have AE 5.02, which I download from the LiveCode site tonight, but the AE I was using was 5.03, if that's possible.) Or could that error be contributed to something else?

Thank you!

Re: AnimationEngine Ver Update Needed With New LC?

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 9:47 am
by malte
Hi John,

AE is just a stack, so this would seem very unlikely to cause the problem you are seeing. The related message was mentioning externals, which would be a whole different can of worms. :-)

For the 5.0.3 thing this is an *argh* thing for me, because when I made the community version of AE available, I somehow screwed up the versioning. I shall be releasing a 5.0.4 version in due course though. Nothing much new, just a couple of fixes.



Re: AnimationEngine Ver Update Needed With New LC?

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 9:49 am
by dave.kilroy
Hi John - I'm running AE 5.02 in an app which is building OK for iOS6 and iOS7

BTW AE is not an external. I include AE as a substack within my main application - are you by any chance keeping it as a separate stack?

Kind regards
