Improving Livecode Adoption

Teaching software development? Using LiveCode to build your curriculum? This is the forum for you.

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Improving Livecode Adoption

Post by sturgis » Wed Sep 03, 2014 5:53 pm

Having just attended the Livecode In Education panel, it occurs to me, that the main issue with livecode adoption is getting it into peoples hands. After speaking to Richard G, it seems that there is already effort on the linux side to make packages available (hopefully from 7.0.0 onward due to improved functionality on linux. )

If my memory of the past is correct, it seems to me, many software/os options have "won" not because they were the best, but because they were there. My hope is that liveCode, as amazing as it is, can also just "be there."

By this I mean, what are the chances that runRev can make deals with large computer distributors so that lc Community can be bundled. If this occurs, natural curiosity should take over in at least a percentage of the people who find it on their new system, and voila', interest should spike dramatically.

I would also like to see a linux distribution (beyond my skills though at this time) where LC was integrated into the front end to control menus, widgets and system administration tasks. If this could be done, it would allow people to easily extend and adjust their systems using live code scripting. Another way to get people scripting in LC.

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Re: Improving Livecode Adoption

Post by newtronsols » Wed Sep 03, 2014 11:50 pm

"Success breeds success". Doesn't Runrev need to get a game or app that a lot of people use and they can say - dev'd on Livecode!

For example a Monthly competition: They could have allowed amateur dev'ers using the free version to have their game published via a Livecode User Google Play account. Use 'appwrapper' - see for ad revenues.

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Re: Improving Livecode Adoption

Post by richmond62 » Thu Sep 04, 2014 1:38 pm

Yup: a Killer App with "Made in Livecode" plastered all over the front.

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