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Re: Big Sur?

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2021 5:21 pm
by SteveWoodward
jameshale wrote:
Sun Jan 17, 2021 3:32 pm
Hi Steve,
The other possibility is that you followed the example given in the lesson “ How Do I Override the Default Behavior for Rendering Data to a Cell?” which instructs you modify the default column behavior. In this lesson you are instructed to set the default column behavior to a button you have created where the script of that button is the column’s new behavior. Do you have any hidden buttons with behavior scripts?
I looked that lesson over, that's not what I did. I don't have any hidden buttons at all. This is very weird. I wish my memory was better, but I believe that I either accessed my code via the Behavior Script, or an Edit Script button on the PI that disappeared with Big Sur as seen in this lesson: ... -or-column

That was my primary reference when learning to work with DataGrid rows. In the section titled "Getting Data In A Row Behavior" the buttons shown in the screenshot (Edit Script and Inspect Object) disappeared when I went to Big Sur. Looking at this again, I believe this is how I was accessing my scripts.

Thanks for trying to help!

Steve W

Re: Big Sur?

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2021 11:48 pm
by jameshale
This is where I get confused too.
You keep indicating your DG is a TABLE>.
That lesson you have referred to is to do with the "FORM" style of a DG.
If you look at the first item in the PI window it is "Style" and the style chosen is "FORM"
If you change the "Style" to "TABLE" the "Edit Script" button (and quite a few of the others) disappear as they are not applicable for a "TABLE" style DG.

If you are positive this was the PI you worked with, then your DG is a FORM style, not a TABLE.

Now if it was a FORM then you would have had to add the fields you wanted, all lined up, for the the columns in your table.
If this is not what you did, then maybe you did use the TABLE style and are confused as to the lesson you followed.

BTW, if you did use the TABLE style and you click on the "Columns tab of the PI the "columns behaviour button will only be active IF you have clicked on a column in the list, and it has a behaviour. Having a column selected that does not have a behaviour leaves the button disabled.

Re: Big Sur?

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 12:05 am
by SteveWoodward
My DG has alway been a table, I did not even really know about the form variation until this thread. I can verify this by opening an older file. Also, I was able to define my columns using the Columns tab on the PI when I first started this application. When I make a DG a "form" the Columns tab disappears. So that makes me feel certain that I have been using a table DG from the very beginning.

Also, I cannot even select a column at all like one would expect in a data table in other environments.

Thanks so much for trying, but I'm pausing this for now. I spent a lot of time on this and my idea for a cross platform application are behind me now. Sorry but when I think about all the lost time it saddens me. I'll give up the cross platform idea and just do the Mac version in Xcode, which I am very familiar with.

Steve W

Re: Big Sur?

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 12:35 am
by jameshale
No worries.

Re: Big Sur?

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 4:10 am
by dalkin
Can anyone replicate this problem?

1. View stack contents in Project Browser
2. Select a card for deletion

The dialog that appears identifies the wrong card for deletion. If it can be duplicated with LC 9.6.2 (rc2) on Big Sur it's probably a bug.
Screen Shot 2021-01-18 at 2.02.55 pm.png

Re: Big Sur?

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 5:12 am
by SteveWoodward
I made a new application and added 4 cards to it. each card that I tried to delete from the Project Browser was the correct one. I fear you may have another hard to replicate issue. But my knowledge is limited, perhaps others more knowledgeable can provide additional input.

Steve W

Re: Big Sur?

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 10:31 am
by AndyP
I've seen something similar to this on Win 10 as well, so I don't think its tied to Big Sur. What happens is I do a right click to bring up the context menu in the Project Browser and the highlighted line jumps up one line and this then has focus as the object/card/stack for the context menu. Closing and reopening the Project Browser cures the problem...hard to tie down, but it happens after the Project Browser has been open for a while.

Re: Big Sur?

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 12:11 pm
by richmond62
I used the Project Browser once . . .

Re: Big Sur?

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 6:55 pm
by jacque
richmond62 wrote:
Mon Jan 18, 2021 12:11 pm
I used the Project Browser once . . .
I did too. Maybe even twice. The Application Browser is easier when working with lots of stacks with lots of cards, and I prefer its horizontal layout which allows me to see more content at once. I wish they hadn't hidden it in the Development menu.

The only thing I wish it had is dragging to change layer order, but entering the layer manually is a small price to pay for its general usefulness.

Re: Big Sur?

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 6:14 pm
by SteveWoodward
Since rc5 came out I figured I would revisit the Data Grid issue. Still cannot get to the code for the grid that I worked so hard on. What a colossal waste of time. I'll have to resort to another tool for my cross platform applications.

Thanks to all that tried to help, but this apparently is not recognized as an issue so I think the odds of things magically working the way they used to are slim to none.

Steve Woodward

Re: Big Sur?

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 4:41 pm
by Lagi Pittas
HI Steve,

Looks like Livecode FM is still the Holy Grail - and all we get are crumbs , we don't even get coconuts to bang together.


Re: Big Sur?

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 6:13 pm
by richmond62
Livecode FM is still the Holy Grail
Unfortunately a lot of us adhere to a different religion, and there does seem to be
a 'something' "up in heaven" that disregards all those different religions all for the
sake of the Holy Grail . . . and I do wonder how many people are "that" interested
in the FM >>> LiveCode thang instead of having a few fires lighted under their altars?

Re: Big Sur?

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 6:30 pm
by SteveWoodward
I wasn't aware of Livecode FM until now. I did a lot of FM development 10-15 years ago but have been out of that world for a long time. SQL became my friend.

Re: Big Sur?

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 8:24 pm
by jacque
Lagi Pittas wrote:
Thu Apr 15, 2021 4:41 pm
Looks like Livecode FM is still the Holy Grail - and all we get are crumbs , we don't even get coconuts to bang together.
On the other hand, I'm delighted with the FM initiative because it's fixed a lot of problems with LC Android builds, and cross-platform mobile apps have become my primary development work lately.

Re: Big Sur?

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2021 8:42 am
by richmond62
I'm delighted with the FM initiative because it's fixed a lot of problems with LC Android builds
That's interesting: welcome "side effects".

However, I do feel that . . .