Anybody know where functioning install tutorials are?

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Lagi Pittas
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Anybody know where functioning install tutorials are?

Post by Lagi Pittas » Wed Apr 19, 2017 11:06 pm


I have a HOSTM account where livecode is already installed but now I want to install version 6.7.11 32 bit on my VPS. (64 bit)

I searched for installation instructions ... de-Server- ... -htaccess-

Why cant they put a bot to scan the livecode and runrev sites and find any bad links - there are thousands. Better yet get the "digital Marketing" department to do it.
<RANT>And while i'm at it whats this with two lots of popups on the main page - it looks like they are selling Lego.</RANT>

Anyway does anyone have a link to the simplest install on a CENTOS VPS? - that works.


Regards lagi

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Re: Anybody know where functioning install tutorials are?

Post by SparkOut » Wed Apr 19, 2017 11:41 pm ... a-htaccess

( will give the menu of lessons from which the server install topic can be selected. I don't know where all that spaces/lessons/buckets stuff came from. The link above was copied on my phone so you might want to go from the menu to get the desktop version).

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Re: Anybody know where functioning install tutorials are?

Post by FourthWorld » Wed Apr 19, 2017 11:46 pm

1. RE links: This links you included are incomplete; they end in hyphens, and I don't believe the CMS they use there has any links in that form. Where did you find them?
The full links are here:

2. RE popup: You may be able to reach the company's web team by writing to the company directly at support AT
Richard Gaskin
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Lagi Pittas
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Re: Anybody know where functioning install tutorials are?

Post by Lagi Pittas » Thu Apr 20, 2017 11:03 am


Thanks for the links. To answer the question I got the links from Google.
And if you go to the links you gave me within both of them the "pre requisites" or other links give a page not found error.

So for example within the link that Sparkout gave for the install via htaccess the link for How Do I install Livecode server gives are rather quaint "We're terribly sorry, but we couldn't find that page"

So basically the links within the articles don't work although it seems when you find the articles at the toplevel they do work.

I really can't be bothered to double check I'm on a deadline -- as usual, and I haven't got time to put my deerstalker on and do the job that someone else is paid to do like make a bloody website work and not look like a tele tubbies advert.

Anyway I took the time out to test it for my own sanity

If I go to the link that Richard gave all the links work - but within any of the articles if there is a link to say install OSX or Linux or Apache htaccess articles ()that DO work via Richards toplevel link they give that quaint error message. -- with those extra "bucket" (bit buckets or what?)
It was 3 in the morning so All I could see were error messages - but still no excuse.

Time is something I can never get back and wasting time following non existant links everywhere is really getting rather infuriating.

Most times I just suck it up but I'm just embarassed for LC and I don't get paid to manage it FGS. another day another rant - always the same reason!

Regards Lagi

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Re: Anybody know where functioning install tutorials are?

Post by FourthWorld » Thu Apr 20, 2017 6:01 pm

Lagi Pittas wrote:To answer the question I got the links from Google.
Curious that Google didn't check them before including them into their index.
And if you go to the links you gave me within both of them the "pre requisites" or other links give a page not found error.
Ah, thanks for the recipe. I just submitted a request to fix that to the web team.

I'm guessing this is a side-effect of one of the Wordpress plugins recently added, perhaps one for URL redirects to keep other things updated while changes are made. I was using those pages just a few weeks ago, so it seems this change is fairly recent. Hopefully it'll be resolved soon.

Time is something I can never get back and wasting time following non existant links everywhere is really getting rather infuriating.
Amen, brother. I have many links throughout my sites to things at Apple, MS, and other large sites, and the 404 rate I find is higher than I'd expect. Even URLs for things of very strong lasting value, like Apple's Human Interface Guidelines, change with surprising frequency.

If I had a time machine I'd go back to 1987 and have a good sit-down chat with Tim Berners-Lee, Robert Cailliau, and Ted Nelson. For all the great things about the WWW, and even taking into account the considerably greater complexity of Nelson's Xanadu, of the two only Xanadu's architecture maintains links as two-way entities, allowing the physical server location of a resource to change without breaking incoming links.

But alas, in the world we're in now, 404s are simply something we have to stay on top of.
Richard Gaskin
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Re: Anybody know where functioning install tutorials are?

Post by MaxV » Mon Jul 03, 2017 11:49 am

Livecode Wiki:
My blog:
To post code use this:

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