drawing lines with various length

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drawing lines with various length

Post by Nobbi » Sun Jul 28, 2019 5:52 pm

I want to build a "Koch-Curve", but I don't find a possibilty to change the direction and the length of a line within the code. Who can give me a hint ?
Thanks Nobbi

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Re: drawing lines with various length

Post by bogs » Sun Jul 28, 2019 6:20 pm

You couldn't do that with the line, you would have to use something like the freehand polygon tool instead, where you'd set the points until you eventually reach the koch snowflake level.

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Re: drawing lines with various length

Post by [-hh] » Mon Jul 29, 2019 4:11 pm

You have to use a graphic of style "Polygon" that displays your Koch curve.

The following function gives you the point that has length L and angle A from (0,0).
It is the core for building shapes like a Koch curve.

Code: Select all

local pi0=0.017453293 -- = pi/180

-- returns point with angle A and length L from (0,0)
-- angle is counterclockwise starting from 12 o'clock
-- negative angles are clockwise starting from 12 o'clock
function pointFromAngleAndLength A,L
  put (90+A)*pi0 into a0
  return L*cos(a0), -L*sin(a0)
end pointFromAngleAndLength
Here is a sample how to apply this (draws a 12-gon):

Code: Select all

on mouseUp
  if there is no grc "poly" then
    create grc "poly"
    set style of grc "poly"to "polygon"
  end if
  put 0 into A -- starting angle
  put 50 into L -- length
  put (100,200) into p1 -- starting point
  put p1 into p
  put -30 into D -- = 30 degress clockwise (to get a 12-gon)
  repeat with i=1 to abs(360 div d)
    add D to A
    put pointFromAngleAndLength(A,L) into p2
    add item 1 of p2 to item 1 of p1
    add item 2 of p2 to item 2 of p1
    put cr & p1 after p
  end repeat
  set points of grc "poly" to p
  if there is no grc "dot" then
    create grc "dot"
    set style of grc "dot" to "oval"
    set width of grc "dot" to 10
    set height of grc "dot" to 10
    set backcolor of grc "dot" to "255,0,0"
    set opaque of grc "dot" to true
    set linesize of grc "dot" to 0
  end if
  move grc "dot" to the points of grc "poly" in 2.0 seconds
end mouseUp

Now drawing a Koch curve is a (recursive) matter of math. You'll come fast to the LC lines you need if you start with exercising to draw (parts of) different n-gons.
If your length segments becomes too small there may arise numeric problems (and thus display problems) from the fact that LiveCode converts the coordinates of your computed points to integers.
[Nevertheless we should always set the not-rounded points as above to keep the overall rounding errors small.]
Have fun!
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Re: drawing lines with various length

Post by Nobbi » Thu Aug 08, 2019 8:12 am

Hello -HH, many thanks for your example. I have tried to modify it and developed the "Initiator" and the "Generator for the Koch-Curve. I understand the structur of a recursiv function, but I don't know, how to verify it in LC. Have I to use a "function var1,var2" or a "command zeichne winkel,laenge" ? The last item shows nothing.
Thanks for your hints.
(H&H is an important software-lab in Göttingen, still existing ?)

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Re: drawing lines with various length

Post by [-hh] » Thu Aug 08, 2019 1:34 pm

The KochCurve is due to integer rounding of the points more exactly drawn (less rounding error) if you use the following routine (instead of "turtle" like walking by length and angle):

Divides the line from point p1 to point p2 into a "Koch"-segments (see the attached images):

Code: Select all

-- p1 is listed by the previous drawStep
function drawStep p1,p2
  put item 1 of p1 into u1
  put item 2 of p1 into v1
  put item 1 of p2 into u2
  put item 2 of p2 into v2
  put (u2 - u1)/3 + u1 into x1
  put (v2 - v1)/3 + v1 into y1
  put 2*(u2 - u1)/3 + u1 into x2
  put 2*(v2 - v1)/3 + v1 into y2
  put ((x1 + x2) + sqrt(3)*(y2 - y1))/2 into x3
  put ((y1 + y2) + sqrt(3)*(x1 - x2))/2 into y3
  return (x1,y1) &cr& (x3,y3) &cr& (x2,y2) &cr& p2
end drawStep
Now iterate this for all line segements of a polygon and you get
  • the Koch curve when starting from a horizontal line
  • the Koch snowflake when starting from a regular (equilateral) triangle

Code: Select all

local g="kochcurve"
on iterate j,m
  put the points of grc g into p
  put the num of lines of p into pn
  put line 1 of p into p1
  put p1 into p0
  repeat with i=2 to pn
    put line i of p into p2
    put cr & drawstep(p1,p2) after p0
    put p2 into p1
  end repeat
  set points of grc g to p0
  add 1 to j
  if j <= m then send "iterate j,m" to me in 1.0 seconds -- animates
end iterate
Find attached a sample stack that does the above.
Note that we can have at most 7 iterations because either the length of the segments becomes too small or the number of points grows to more than 65535 (which is the max num of vertices a LC-polygon can have).

As an exercise you could do the same with adding points by angle and length (you only have to modify the drawstep but it needs more scripting).

[p.s. I'm not related to H&H]
Koch-Curve and Koch-Snowflake
(2.55 KiB) Downloaded 429 times
Koch-Curve iteration 1 (each line segment has the same length)
KochCurve-1.png (3.15 KiB) Viewed 8728 times
Koch-Curve iteration 2 (each line segment has the same length)
KochCurve-2.png (3.42 KiB) Viewed 8728 times
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