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Encrypting small .txt files

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2021 4:46 am
by trags3
Never having delved into the world of encryption I now have a need to encrypt about 9 .txt files. Many of the lines will be empty and most lines are only 1 or 2 words. The desktop app allows the user to input data that is saved in a .txt file. there are 9 files ranging from 9 lines to 55 lines.
I want to post the encrypted data to a server and the server will decrypt and put the data into an unencrypted file not accessible to anyone not authorized.
Is this pretty easy to do?

Re: Encrypting small .txt files

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2021 5:27 am
by liveme
Hi Trags,
Is this pretty easy to do?
Depends...once you can make this code works properly in the IDE, yes the encrypting part is doable.

Now, on the server, I dont know if you are using LC too...
...or something else to "decrypt" that.

whatever LANGUAGE you'd be using, you just need to find the right syntax to run the "decrypting" work in reverse order... and voila.

Note : Your data transfer should be using TLS from your User to the server and a PRO SSL Plan (not free) if you deal with serious stuff.
so that's another thing to set up with your host beside. If not using TLS, your content while "being encrypted" will still be much more hackable from Man in the Middle sniffing... LC supports 128, 256 bits encryption, not sure about 512 or newer ?

You'd have to make sure, noone (as well as search engine) can GUESS your file names and their www. path,
for this is just enough for someone to download those files if you dont restrict the folder access properly...using a DB is a bit more secure on that point

Re: Encrypting small .txt files

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2021 6:52 pm
by trags3
Hi liveme!
I posted the question more than 7 years ago!
You replied a little more than 6 Years ago.
I just now, while looking through all my old posts, saw your reply.
After being somewhat dormant re LC for the past few years, I now have another need to encrypt some data.
Thanks again for the post.