HTML5 Video Player

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Re: HTML5 Video Player

Post by okk » Sat Feb 27, 2016 10:49 pm

I applaud your persistence to get this working via the revbrowser. I still would maintain that a standalone using the player object would be probably the easier solution with more flexibility in designing the user-interface.

Windows Media Player can play mp4 files since 2009, as you yourself noted, so it should be fairly standard by now. It was noted earlier in this thread that in order to get mp4 files to play on Windows systems one has to disable "Load Quicktime on start-up" in the LC Preferences --> General. Just setting "dontUseQT" to true in the PreOpenStack handler seems not enough. You mentioned that you will try this but I'm not sure if you were successful or not. Even if you go the HTML5 browser route, I would be curious if you are able to play mp4 files with LC on a windows machine without QT installed. I don't have a windows machine at hand now for testing.


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